crafted with Tailor shop

The Art Project
crafted with Tailor Shop

  • Japanese
  • English


Denim as canvas

「デニムをキャンバスと考えるとなにが生まれるだろう?」いま一番目が離せない表現者たちとLevi’s®との 前例のない実験がはじまります。表現者の想いやアイデアをサポートするのは「世界で一本だけをカスタマイズできる」Levi’s® TAILOR SHOPのマスターテーラーたち。作品はLimited Collectionとして日本と韓国の限定ショップで販売。すべての収益は国際赤十字赤新月社連盟・日本赤十字社・エイズ予防団体へ寄付される社会貢献活動でもあります。ファッションなのか。アートなのか。インスタレーションなのか。なにが生まれるか。それはやってみなければわからない。
"What will artists create when they try using denim as their canvas?" An unprecedented experiment between Levi's® and the most expressive artists in focus at present has now begun. The feelings and ideas of these expressive artists are being supported by Levi's® Tailor Shop's master tailors who can provide one-of-a-kind customizations. The works will be sold as the Limited Collection at limited edition shops in Japan and Korea. All of the proceeds from the sales will also be donated as a social contribution to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Japanese Red Cross Society and AIDS prevention organizations. Is this fashion? Is it art? Is it an installation? What will they create? We won't know until they try it.





1978年、韓国ソウルに生まれる。1999年、初アルバムにして代表作となる「Easy」でデビュー。2003年Brown Eyed Soulのメンバーの一人として、グループでの初アルバム「Soul Free」をリリース。このアルバムは2007年R&B部門のアルバム・オブ・ザ・イヤーに選ばれる。2013年、韓国ポピュラーミュージックアワードの、R&Bソウル部門のベストアルバムに選出。2018年、彼の2枚目のソロ・アルバム「Sound Doctrine」をリリース。

2005年ソウルの 檀国大学大学院(西洋美術専攻)卒業。2001年の二人展「黄色と黒の遭遇(Encounter between Yellow and Black)」を皮切りに、多数のグループ展参加や2004年に初めての個展「Naul」、2015年「Collagearl Naul’s Room 2」、2017年に「For Thy Pleasure」などの個展を開催し、2008年にニューヨークのローグ・スペース(Rogue Space)で開かれたBARACK OBAMA Art Show「HOPE」に作品を出品することを皮切りに、2013年に大阪で行われた二人展「Naul & Nojun」以後、絶え間なく東京、大阪などの海外でも展示を行うなど作家としても活発に活動しています。


Artist & Musician


Born in Seoul, Korea in 1978.

Musician Naul debuted as the 1st Anthem album ‘Easy’ in 1999. After having released the 1st album ‘Soul Free’ of ‘Brown Eyed Soul’ Group in 2003, he won the album award of R & B of Korea of the Year 2007, and in 2013, he won the best award of R & B Soul album of Korean Popular Music Award 2013, and in 2018, he released the 2nd solo album ‘Sound Doctrine’.

Graduated from the Department of Occidental Painting at Dankook University in 2003, and graduated from the Department of Occidental Painting at Design Graduate School of Dankook University in 2005.

In 2001, Naul started to have the exhibition of ‘Encounter between Yellow and Black,’ and participated in numerous public exhibitions. In 2004, he started to have the first private exhibition ‘Naul Exhibition. In 2015 and 2017 he held the private exhibitions ‘Collagearl Naul’s Room 2,’ and ‘For Thy Pleasure’ Exhibition, respectively in turn. In 2008, he started to have the exhibition of BARACK OBAMA Art Show 'HOPE' held in Rogue Space, NY , and had the two exhibitions of ‘Naul & Nho-jun’ held in Osaka in 2013. Since then, he has been working constantly as an artist, by steadfastly holding exhibitions overseas including Tokyo and Osaka.

Lee Kyung Ok
Lee Kyung Ok 李 京玉

ポジャギ作家 (ポジャギ、韓国の伝統的なラッピングクロス)



Lee Kyung Ok

Artist on pojagi, a traditional Korean wrapping cloth


Born in 1970, in Daejeon, South Korea. Studied Japanese at Chungnam National University in the same city, then after studying at Tottori University and Hiroshima University graduate school, began teaching Japanese at a Korean university. Returned to Japan in 2001, and launched the "Pojagi Kobo Koe" workshop in Osaka. A leading and popular authority on pojagi holding workshops and classes throughout Japan. "Watashi no Pojagi" (My Wrapping Cloth) published by Fusansha in 2005 , "Kurashi no Pojagi" (Pojagi in Daily Life) published by NHK Publishing in 2008. Appeared on NHK's "Oshare Kobo" (Fashionable Workshop) TV program in 2005-2006 and 2008-2009. Also in Korea, China and Taiwan. Exhibition of works in May 2018 at the Korean Cultural Center in Tokyo. An artist playing a role in Japanese-Korean cultural exchanges, such as hosting joint exhibitions in Japan and South Korea.

Je Mi-young
Je Mi-young 諸 美 英



1975年、韓国、釜山(プサン)生まれ。東亜大学およびソウルの弘益大学大学院で東洋美術絵画を学ぶ。2004年初の個展 「Love For Clover」、2012年個展 「Color Scene- A Street Scene」を開催。2016年から2017年にかけて、「House Scene」と「Aspiration for Flowers in the House」の個展以外に、グループ展を、パリ、上海、香港、日本・静岡にて多数開催。2010年、チョン・ソン メモリアル美術館の“トモロー・アーティスト”に選ばれる。2016年、ダンウォン・アート・フェスティバルでグランプリ受賞のほか、ヨース国際芸術祭にてコンテスト・アーティストに選出。

Je Mi-young



Born in Busan, South Korea in 1975. Studied Fine Arts at Donga University in Busan, oriental painting at College of Fine Arts of Hongik and graduated from Graduate School of Hongik University in Seoul.

Started to hold the first private exhibition ‘Love for Clover’ in 2004, and in 2012 also held the private exhibition ‘Color Scene’- A Street Scene.’ During 2016 and 2017, the artist not only held the private exhibitions ‘House Scene’ and ‘Aspiration for Flower in the House,’ respectively in turn, but also actively participated in numerous public exhibitions at home and abroad including Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Shizuoka.
Also, the artist was selected as ‘Tomorrow’s Artist’ in Gyeomjae Jeongseon Memorial Museum, in 2010. In 2016 Danwon Art Festival, won the grand award, and in 2017, she was selected as a contest artist in Yeosu International Art Festival.

Yusuke Iseya
伊勢谷 友介



1976年生まれ。東京藝術大学卒同大学院美術研究科修士修了。ニューヨーク大学でも映像を学ぶ。ファッションモデルを皮切りに、俳優として大河ドラマ、数多くの映画に主演。アーティスト・映画監督などたくさんの顔を持つ日本の異才。また 「リバースプロジェクト」を立ち上げ、衣食住・水・エネルギー・教育などの分野で社会活動を行なっていることでも注目されている。俳優としての受賞多数。

Yusuke Iseya

Actor, Film Director, Rebirth Project –President


Born in 1976. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and completed a master's degree from that university's Graduate School of Fine Arts. Also studied video at New York University. Began as a fashion model, starred in period drama, and acted in numerous movies. An exceptional talent in Japan with many diverse interests, including as an artist and film director. Garnered attention with launch of the Rebirth Project and social activities in such areas as food, clothing and shelter, as well as water, energy, and education. Recipient of many acting awards.

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coming soon...
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